Our Book Club community was built on a shared love for books, providing a welcoming space where enthusiastic readers can come together to share their thoughts, engage in open discussions, think critically, and connect with one another. Our goal is to foster meaningful conversations and lasting connections through the joy of reading. We read one book each month and meet to discuss it.The genres we read are different ranging from literary fiction, Classics, Non-fiction, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Philosophy and beyond.
How to join
Step 1:
Send us an email with your name and the title of the first book that sparked your love for reading.
Step 2:
You will receive all the details regarding the time and location of our meeting via email.
Step 3: Have fun and remember to treat everyone with respect.
Please note: Membership to the book club is free of charge.
Here are some books we will read in the future, so you will know what to expect in the book club.
You can also choose the next book to read once you become a member of our club.